Monday, June 25, 2007

Tilapia with Red Peppers and Onions

Tilapia with Red Peppers and Onions

I have tried many Tilapia recipes.
I have found it to be an easy fish to cook so I decided to make up my own recipe.

I started by sautéing red peppers and onions in a little olive oil until they were tender.
While the peppers and onions were cooking,
I added tin foil to the bottom of a baking dish and preheated the oven to 400 degrees.

Then I put the peppers and onions on the bottom of the baking dish.
I placed two pieces of tilapia on top of the peppers and onions.

I drizzled olive oil over the fish and then sprinkled it with black pepper, thyme, basil and a little lemon juice. Then I placed it in the oven to bake.

Depending on the cut and thickness of the tilapia it should probably cook for 15 -20 minutes until solid white and flakey.

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