Friday, May 18, 2007

Thanks, but no thanks!

I don’t eat red meat. Not because I don’t like it. High cholesterol runs in my family. My levels have fluctuated over time but remain within a safe level. At one of my doctor’s appointments where my cholesterol was a little higher than usual my doctor recommended a few diet changes. She encouraged me to cut red meat, eggs and butter out of my diet. After considering her suggestions, I agreed that eliminating some of these foods from my diet was better than having to take medicine to lower my cholesterol.

In case you were curious here are some foods high in cholesterol.

A List of High Cholesterol Foods
Food + Serving Size = Cholesterol Level
Boiled egg 1 = 225 mg
Cream cheese 1 oz = 27 mg
Cheddar cheese 1 oz = 19 mg
Butter 3.5 oz = 250 mg
Lamb 3.5 oz = 70 mg
Beefsteak 3.5 oz = 70 mg
Chicken 3.5 oz = 60 mg
Kidney, beef 3.5 oz = 375 mg
Liver, beef 3.5 oz = 300 mg
Ice Cream 3.5 oz = 45 mg
Sponge cake 3.5 oz = 260 mg

It is better for your health if you can avoid consuming more than 300mg of cholesterol in a day.

So, according to doctor's orders, instead of hamburgers, we make
Black Bean Burgers at our house.

Black Bean Burgers
1 15oz can black beans (drained ) and chopped
1 small white onion
½ red or green pepper
bread crumbs
cumin (to taste)
feta cheese

You can bake them in the oven at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes or you can grill them.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Who knew black bean burgers were so easy to make! Yum....